Men today are in a battle without bullets or bombs, but a battle all the same. It's a fight for our families and our future. Facing the battles of life demands courage, and courage is the ability to do the hard thing in every circumstance, despite the cost.
In this course, Dennis Rainey will teach about the 5 Steps of Manhood:
You will learn what God is calling you to be as a Father, Husband, Brother, Uncle or whatever title He has given you. You will hear real-life riveting stories and applications of men who have stepped up and men who have not stepped up. If you strive to be the courageous man God wants you to be then sign up below for your free course. Once you do, grab a friend or a group of men and go through this course together. There is no catch, we simply want to help men all over the world and provide them with the tools and information to succeed in Godliness.
How The Course Works
Once you subscribe below, you will receive the content via email over the next 6 weeks. This includes videos, audio podcasts and key takeaways and questions that walk you through the 5 steps of manhood. Complete the content each week or go at your own pace. It will always be available to you through the emails. Take what you learn and apply it to your life and be courageous to share it with other men. If you take this course seriously, you WILL be one step closer to becoming the man God has called you to be.