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5 Ways to Grow Creativity in Your Children

By Barbara Rainey

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You know the name George Washington Carver, right? You know he invented a crazy number of products from the lowly peanut. But do you know that he talked to God constantly as he worked in his laboratory?

His conversations went something like this: “Lord God, you made the peanut. You know every molecule. You know all that can be done with this little nut. Give me Your ideas and help me make many uses from it.”

Learning George’s story has inspired me to imitate him in my creative endeavors. I pray now more than ever about every word I write, every idea I imagine, and every creative task, knowing any ability I have comes from the God of creation. It’s great fun to cooperate with God in creating.

Since creativity is important to me, I also looked for ways to nurture creativity in my children as they were growing up. Being creative is a very messy endeavor. I worked to encourage creativity in my kids and the resulting mess was an ongoing challenge!

In spite of my angst over the constant disaster in my house, my kids “wrote” books, made homemade cards and gifts, and created forts in every room of the house and even in our backyard. They imagined themselves as ballerinas, thespians, and superheroes as they staged plays or recitals and they charged a quarter for admission to us parents to attend their performances.

Do you want to nurture creativity in your kids?

Imagination is the well-spring of creativity, and thankfully it is a gift given to every person as part of our “made in God’s image” genetics.  My kids had it and so do yours.

Here are five suggestions for nurturing creativity:

1. Remember that your kids’ imagination is a God-given gift, even though it comes with messes. Your encouragement is crucial for their creativity to grow rather than become dulled. Give thanks for their gift. It will help you keep perspective.

2. Make your home inspiring. Put posters of paintings or God’s creation on the walls, play great music, and keep plenty of supplies on hand for experiments. God put His first children in an inspiring, wonder-filled environment, so we can follow His model.

Enhance your home with trips to the zoo, local museums, concerts, and hikes in the forest or mountains. Play concert music in the house if attending one is not possible. The more you can expose your children to lofty sights and sounds, the more their creativity will flourish.

3. Model creativity. It’s not just for your kids, so experiment with new foods, take an art or pottery class, or begin spending some time each week writing. It will be easier for you to encourage your kids if you, too, are experiencing the joy of creativity. Ask God to give you new ideas so you can be more like George Washington Carver!

4. Be okay with the chaos that creativity can create. The hardest part for me was the ongoing mess in my house. Part of my wiring is a love of order, which does not coexist well with creativity. I frequently had to coach myself “this too shall pass,” and of course it did. You have your children for a season. There will be decades, if God wills, for you to live without floors encrusted with Play-Doh. Give thanks for this season of your life.

5. Limit their exposure to television, smartphones, and iPads. These can kill creativity. Kids need to climb trees, make forts and cars and dishes out of clay or mud, and collect bugs and flowers in jars. George Washington Carver had a limited supply of equipment, but he had the Creator at his side and that was all he needed.

A favorite verse of mine is Exodus 35:35: “He has filled them with skill to do every sort of work done … by any sort of workman or skilled designer.”

May you have an imaginative, creative experience exploring new ideas and experiences to enrich your children and your own life as their mom.

It’s worth the extra messes! I promise.

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