
Dennis & Barbara Rainey Podcast from TheRaineys.org
Question: How do you pick the best of the best of more than 6,250 podcasts from a daily program that won the National Religious Broadcasting award for best overall programming three times?
Answer: We spent dozens of hours pouring over them, evaluating their impact, and curating a first batch. We picked a selection from the 2,500 podcasts where we were the primary teachers, and then we selected some more from the interviews we did with well over a thousand thought leaders.
There are three reasons why we selected these podcasts:
We chose podcasts that took on the most relevant and challenging topics facing individuals, marriages and families today.
We selected content that gave the listener courage to face “the giants in their lives” and carve out an uncommon faith that works.
We chose those podcasts that received the greatest response from our listeners.
And there are thousands of podcasts stored in the cloud that we will be curating and featuring in the future … stay tuned!
We want to thank Bob Lepine, cohost of our podcast, and a friend who gave leadership to this initiative. We are also profoundly grateful for the FamilyLife Today audio team of researchers, tech engineers, editors, and program producers who worked together to make FamilyLife a trusted and proven content producer. And you can listen to Bob and Dave and Ann Wilson, the new hosts of FamilyLife Today, at familylifetoday.com.
- Dennis and Barbara
Psalm 127:1